Camp Consenses
The first two-week session of Consenses Camp was a complete success and we can’t wait to offer it again! Janie Howland, a professional set designer from Boston MA, a Consenses artist and teacher at Emerson College and Wellesley College led the session. She has been with Consenses for 6 years as one of the original professional set designers so she knew exactly what to do when she took up the charge of camp coordinator and led 10 campers (age 12-65) into what one of the campers termed as “an obstacle course of art” She started with the question “What is the essence of the quote ‘We are afar but not apart?'” which she posed to the campers and asked them to respond not in words but in photographs. The below gallery charts the path as each of their photos was passed on anonymously to another camper to transform into a song. Each song was translated into a dance. Each dance inspired a sculpture. Each sculpture inspired a poem. Each poem inspired painting and each chain reaction inspired set designs. None of the campers knew they’d all been inspired by the same quote and none got to see further back into the chain reactions beyond the one piece they were supplied each day at camp. At the end, this gallery is what they created. It offers a holistic look into the essence of our afar yet not apart-ness and all the connectedness we cannot see. Sign up for our next camp session starting the week of July 20th 2020 here.
“Consences camp opened my eyes to so many new possibilities. I can’t stop talking about it!”
-Justine Curran, camper and art teacher at The Chestnut Hill School, MA