Chloe Kottwitz
Natural Light, 2021
Introducing Chloe Kottwitz as our newest hire.
Chloe Kottwitz has been working closely with Sally since 2018. Starting as an intern she has continued her work with Consenses to a year round venture, answering emails, facilitating the organization of our teacher trainings, and editing the podcast, The Kaleidoscope. She will now act as our Administrative Creative Assistant.
At the sametime she was working towards her BFA in Art and Design at The New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University. Where she has studied sculpture and glass, specifically using the craft of neon as her main medium. In May, 2021 she completed her Senior Thesis Exhibition.
The show, titled Natural Light, features work that mimics natural elements and our relationship with the natural world. These outside moments she is drawn to are translated through the medium of neon and brought inside. Playing with this interior exterior scenario Kottwitz invites the viewer into a space reminiscent of the essence of her personal experience with the landscape.
Chloe Kottwitz Artist Statement
As I walk through the woods I can feel the earth give below my feet. I am aware of how grounded I am, how stuck I am to the earth’s surface, and thankful for the feet that transport me from one location to the next. With a glance from my toes to the clouds my eyes travel, skipping from one branch to the next until the sky fills my vision. There is no way to simultaneously see both the roots and the top of the trees. We forget about the vastness of the sky when completing daily tasks. We can’t comprehend the complexity of the roots as we pier through the gaps in the trees.
Neon offers the ability to mimic the magnificent. We walk through life only looking forward. By echoing organic forms with luminous tubes, I invite the viewer to change their perspective, to discover overlooked moments. This pause is an opportunity for the viewer to notice the brilliance of the natural world. To look up more often, to recognize the forgotten corners, and to see that the everyday is powerful and true.
Check out all the things beyond her Thesis Exhibition she is creating:
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