My first impression of this song was “ I know this song, I know this man and I know what he is feeling very well.” He is lonely and waiting for his lover. The feeling that arose in me was one of knowing there is someone in this world for you but you have to wait for her. Wait all the days and all the nights no matter how long it takes. The image that came first, was of a man, me, standing in front of a window in an apartment I used live in, in Holland. I’d met a woman once while traveling in Canada. I fell in love with her though I knew her only a week. When I went back to Holland I couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was the one! I found myself staring out of my window thinking of her as the days and nights passed by. We had no contact for 15 years and then one day, out of the blue, she called me and came over to visit me and on the second day she was there I asked her to marry me and she said yes. So, we knew each other for a week and two days and in between 15 years with nothing and I am the love of her life and she is mine our story gives me the understanding of this song so well. I listened once or two times to the song and then I stopped listening and started painting because I knew what I wanted to create: An older man looking at the horizon, Looking into a slice of night, looking into the day, seeing the stormy clouds going by lonely but trusting that his loved one would return. I wanted to express some loneliness in the painting but not a bad or scary or frightening loneliness. His back is to the observer because you don’t need to know him other than that he’s an older man, but you can tell by his posture and that he has spent quite a long part of his life waiting. You can look over his shoulder to see what he’s seeing; you’re not distracted by his face. When I did the painting I did it really fast with an empty head and a heart full of the emotion.