The single word that came to mind on seeing this photograph was DESPAIR. I immediately recalled very dark times my mother went through that as a child I witnessed. After I was born she had a number of miscarriages, which seemed to trigger a deep-set depression that lasted for many years. To translate this image I used a coffee essence along with burnt incense resin and frankincense resin to create a very dark base, to which I added a strong shot of coffee, somechocolate and white rose. The rose reflects my belief that no matter how dark things get we still get up and face the day. These scents are just a wisp or undercurrent below the main fragrance of despair but I wanted to add vestiges of hope, because from my own experience, which includes significant personal medical trauma and near death, I have found that humans, unless consumed by madness, will try to find hope and a ray of light even in our darkest hours.