What was your mood the day you got this picture? Upbeat, optimistic about the future (having had a conversation with Xanthus our stallion) but also aware of the heartbreaks and failures of my past. Conscious of programming my present thoughts into future realities, and equally enjoying non thinking communications with the creatures surrounding me.
What were you feeling about the task of creating a song from an image? Inspired and excited about using a different angle for creation. Although iam usually visually inspired to write any way, this process is novel in its approach to communicating through other artists.
What was your first thought or gut reaction to seeing this picture? Dreamlike power and fantasy accompanied by drive, ambition and childlike fun.
What thought/sound/memory/lyric came first? The sound of horses hoofs, snorting nostrils large beating hearts and the gamble we make with lovers.
Was there anything specific about the image you were drawn too? The vibrancy of the colors as much as the archetypal divinity of the horse
How did you use the image to create this song? (aka. Did you pin it up in your studio? Only look at it briefly? etc) I only need to look at an image once to retain it in my mind and recall it later in larger detail if necessary.
What was your process from getting the photo to the completed song? Setting rhythm to the horses movement and heartbeat. Repetitive lick ‘chase motif’ came next, then came ‘The king of hearts’ lyric came inspired by the size of Xanthus’s heart and how his mares vie for his unpredictable attention. The rest was almost completely unconscious apart from looking up gambling phrases to use as lyrical metaphors.
What does the song mean to you? Tell me the story about it’s meaning. This song is about every girl I’ve ever chased and who’s ever chased me as well as tipping my hat to those extremely strong and independent women that have helped shaped my manhood.
Did you enjoy this project? It was alright ;-P I loved it.